
SLING. Wax Cotton Helmet Carry Straps

Created by Wentworth Goods

Wax cotton helmet straps for motorbikers, racing enthusiasts and cyclists. Designed by Wentworth Goods in the UK. Order yours today!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 02:19:50 PM

Hi All,

We are currently at 87% survey completion on BackerKit with 42% of you ordering add-ons which is absolutely fantastic. We have seen the quantities for colours ordered so far, forecast ahead and submitted the numbers (including additional stock) with our factory partner. No surprise but Black has been the most popular! 

If you have not yet filled in your survey, please click the following link and input the email address you use to log into Kickstarter:


Because we want to make sure everything is absolutely perfect, we've decided to do one last round of samples from the factory - rather than diving straight into full production! A number of each colour have been ordered for us to review in full and hopefully to give the final sign off on. 

Once these have been received an update will be posted with images,  a timeline for when the address surveys will be finalised and for when you can expect to start receiving your orders!

In the mean time, 

Enjoy the weather, stay safe out there and keep any questions coming!

/Wentworth Team

Address Surveys - At Last!
about 3 years ago – Sat, May 29, 2021 at 07:37:17 PM

Hi All!

First off, thank you for your continued patience. We had a bit of a steep learnng curve with the setup of the Backerkit Surveys, ensuring everything imported over from Kickstarter was correct. We're using this service because the final export-data for the shipping partners is much much better detailed/formatted so shipping errors can be avoided. It also gives you all a 2nd chance to pick up any extra items before finalising your address.

We have just sent the Smoke Test - a random small test batch to make absolutely sure everything is working. If no issues are reported and the data looks good, the rest of you will be sent the surveys later on today. 

Keep an eye out - they will be coming to the inbox of the email address you use to log into Kickstarter

Any questions, please let us know!


/Wentworth Team

Survey Coming Soon!
about 3 years ago – Wed, May 19, 2021 at 07:55:45 AM

Hi everyone,

Just a very quick update to say that you have not been forgotten! We are a little behind on the BackerKit surveys due to some confusion over a new 'add-ons' feature in Kickstarter. We're working with BackerKit so it's 100% sorted before the address survey's are sent. 

We anticipate another week at max, and this won't delay our shipping schedule because we factored in a margin for unexpected issues...

The survey setup itself is complete, it's the back-end that we need to ensure is correct - otherwise you might not get the colour Sling you're after.

In the mean time, stay safe, and thank you for your continued patience! 

/Wentworth Team

A Huge Thank You.
about 3 years ago – Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 10:20:40 PM

What a 31 days it has been!

That's a wrap! Our first project has come to an end, and we want to thank each and every one of you for being apart of it! 

Over the next week Kickstarter will begin collecting your pledges and we'll prepare the BackerKit surveys to be sent the following week. These are to gather your addresses and give you all an opportunity to select which colour SLING(s) you'd like!

From there, production will get the green light, packaging will be produced and we'll work as quickly as we can to get these out to each of you - something we are very excited to do!!

Once again, an enormous thank you. Enjoy the rest of your weekends!

/ Wentworth Team

about 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 05:52:58 PM

Hello everyone! 

A warm welcome and a big thank you to everyone who has backed the campaign since the last update!

The exciting stuff doesn't get cracking until the campaign ends so this will be another short update, but please keep any questions/comments coming in. We've been in touch with our manufacturing partner to confirm we'll be pressing ahead real soon and they're eager to get started!

As a question back to you... does anyone know anyone in the 'motorcycle media' world, or anyone with a bike-related audience? If you're a member of a great motorcycling community page on FB or a forum, we'd love to speak to you to get SLING in front of as many eyeballs as possible!! 

Until then, take care of yourselves,

/ Wentworth Team

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