
SLING. Wax Cotton Helmet Carry Straps

Created by Wentworth Goods

Wax cotton helmet straps for motorbikers, racing enthusiasts and cyclists. Designed by Wentworth Goods in the UK. Order yours today!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Moto Packs Nearly Funded!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 03:43:09 PM

The Wentworth Moto campaign is almost funded!

They need one more backer to get to their target and guarantee manufacturing can start. From what we've been told, the ads are super expensive at the moment so they've been paused and they need any referrals they can get - so if you're looking for a fantastic new moto backpack or unique tail bag, head to their page and help get the campaign funded. 

Time for something a little different:

STATIO: Watch Stands | from Marked By Time

Got a nice watch? Protect it at night with STATIO

We love this project from Marked By Time. A hardwood base with premium silicone upper, their new watch stand is a beautiful addition to your bedside table, dresser or desk! 

Store your watch overnight in safety without risking any damage or stretching the strap. Designed for all watch types, the cone pops off the base to reveal a handy catch-all tray inside.

Stash tray inside!
Like what you see? Click me to follow their campaign!

Be notified when they launch here:

Wentworth MOTO is now LIVE
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 10:05:11 AM

Hi All,

Our sister-company Wentworth Moto has just gone live with their first campaign.

Developed with help from the industry - they've had invaluable feedback from store owners and riders to shape these products into being among the best in the biz. 

  •  The Switchback - an 8ltr tailbag with hidden 20ltr backpack inside.
  •  The Sidekick - a superb 26ltr backpack, perfect on or off bike.
  •  The Shadedown - the best damn tool roll on the market.

See the campaign HERE

The Switchback Tailbag - converts into a backpack for easy helmet carry! £179
Click me to see their campaign!

We'd love it if you go show their campaign some love, the bags are made at the same great factory we use, but they're running their own team for fulfilment and support. 

Go see the campaign here:

Introducing... Wentworth MOTO
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 11:25:44 AM

Hi All, 

We hope you are well! The summer is coming to a close for many of us, but we hope you enjoy riding for a little while longer! (at least before the salt goes down on UK roads, we'll be out whenever we can!) 

Wentworth Moto

The big news to share with you is thanks to the success of SLING, and key introductions from backers to certain people in the motorcycle indusry (Richard, we thank you again!), a decision was made earlier in the year to launch a sister company to Wentworth Goods, and call it Wentworth Moto. 

They've put together a great team of industry experts that operate separately from Wentworth Goods. Their focus is specifically to make the best motorcycling accessories out there, and they've been hard at work developing a collection of products to be delivered in early 23'.

The design, testing and development is complete and their first ever campaign is coming very soon! Their plan is to launch on Tuesday 20th of September at 5pm BST (12 EST). Yes, 6 days from now!

Switchback, Sidekick & Shakedown

First you saw SLING, that has now become a Wentworth Moto product, and joining it will be their first 3 products:

  •  The Switchback - a tailbag with hidden backpack inside
  •  The Sidekick - a superb backpack to ride on or off bike
  •  The Shadedown - the best damn tool roll on the market. 

To sign up to be notified when the campaign launches and grab their earlybird prices, head to this link:

A sneak peek. Click me to be notified!

Expanding to stores + USA giveaway questionnaire!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 11:46:02 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.