
SLING. Wax Cotton Helmet Carry Straps

Created by Wentworth Goods

Wax cotton helmet straps for motorbikers, racing enthusiasts and cyclists. Designed by Wentworth Goods in the UK. Order yours today!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Calling all Photographers & Accessory Lovers!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 09:22:00 PM

You heard it hear first... our second project is launching this month! 

We'd like to introduce you to the HIDE Collection. The same premium wax cotton you've experienced with SLING, but now made into the best quality accessory cases for photographers, filmmakers and anyone else looking for carry solutions on their travels. 

While they're tailored to the needs of photographers, we're sure there are many wider uses for them just waiting to be discovered. Especially the battery case - it features belt loops and has a strong magnetic closure so it's motorcycle glove friendly!

The plan is to launch within the next 2 weeks, so if you're interested click this link and hit the "notify me" button!

Click to follow!

Battery Case - from £14gbp
Filter Case - from £18gbp
Filter Pouch - from £8gbp

SLINGs SHIPPED! (Tracking Info On Its Way!)
over 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 08:25:16 PM

Hello hello hello,

BIG news - at long last, all of your SLINGs have now been dispatched!!

We got the tracking info list today, with the news that everything was shipped yesterday. There are a handful of you with address issues, but we'll be reaching out to you directly in the next couple of days to get those sorted. 

Otherwise, all that is left to say is a MASSIVE thank you once again for supporting this project, and we truly hope you get many years of hands-free enjoyment from SLING! 

Despite the ups and downs, the niggles and unexpected timeline extensions we've been hard at work in the background on what's coming next. It's definitely a departure from motorcycling accessories but Wentworth is about much more than that. As for launch timeline, we're going to keep quiet on that for the time being, we're thinking sometime in early 2022. Be sure to keep an eye on your inboxes for more info as those of you into your photography will definitely want to know more!! 

Please be sure to let us know your feedback on your SLINGs once they've arrived and you've had a few opportunities to test them! 

Until next time...

/Wentworth Team

Shipping Starting Soon - FINAL ADDRESS CHECKS
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Sep 06, 2021 at 06:26:10 PM

Hi All,

Production is complete!! A little later than planned (factory had to slow things down to ensure the quality we had approved in earlier samples). Wax cotton is literally a wax-impregnated material, it may feel stiff and firm initially but as it gets used, it'll soften up and give you many years of service!

Photos sent to us this morning by the factory - one of each shown boxed up and ready to be posted!

All of your SLINGs will be making their way to our fulfilment centre over the next week, where they'll be sent to the address you've provided via BackerKit. 

Final Address Checks

A 48-hour 'last chance' email has been sent to email addresses you completed your BackerKit surveys with - this is also your last opportunity to add any extra's to your order before everything is shipped!

Any questions or problems with your address/order amendments, please let us know!

Tracking info will be provided to us and uploaded approx 1-week after everything has shipped. 

Once again a massive thank you to each of you for backing this first campaign, and we really hope you enjoy many years of use from your SLINGs! 

/Wentworth Team

Production Update - Packaging Finalised!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 01:47:05 PM

Happy Friday!

We received messages that a few of you are after an update so here it is! As a TL;DR - everything is going fine here!


Production is well underway, we are waiting for the stock to be completed and will send photos as soon as that is done! The only change we've made since the last update is to change the strap-length-adjustment-buckle from gloss to a matte finish. I know, absolutely thrilling right?


In tandem with production we have been focusing on the packaging. The first job was to get the box size and image/text content correct - which was done with these white card samples. We're really pleased with these. It's a small detail, but one that needed to be right.

Once the packaging box size was finalised we needed to get the print quality clear enough for our preferred 'Kraft paper' box style. This has happened in parallel with production so there are no holdups once the SLINGs are ready!

Here is a flat example of the UV-printing for the finished boxes. It achieves a really high quality and clear print even on this 'bare' cardboard. The box is of course fully recyclable and has no plastic so there will be guilt-free disposal once you've ripped it open to get your hands on your SLINGs at last! 


We are perhaps a week behind where we wanted to be, but still on track for production to be finalised this month. We will be locking your surveys and exporting them soon so shipping can begin as soon as stock arrives at our warehouse. We would like shipping to start late august / early September. 

Packages are taking 7-15 days to ship currently so we expect everyone will have their SLINGs by the end of September at the latest - still plenty of time to get out there any enjoy your bikes before the winter weather comes in!!

Until the next update,

/Wentworth Team


A project to share:

A campaign that caught our eye this week is STORR - a coffee carrying solution, perfect for those that use the Aeropress, but really its ideal for carrying anything you want to keep dry, protected and safe. 

Ideal for roadtrips where you want to keep bulk in your panniers to a minimum! 

Click here to see the campaign! 

Made of stainless steel! Click me to find out more

Final Samples are in, Production Begins!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 03:54:49 AM

Hi everyone, 

We hope your weekends have gotten off to a good start - ours is a little damp here!

This is a quick update to say that this week we received the final pre-production samples of SLING and we are absolutely delighted with them - the quality and attention to detail is exactly what we were after and are very excited to get these out to you.

The big change is one of grain-direction, the Kickstarter samples were 'straight-grain', meaning the direction of the cotton 'grain' ran along the length of the strap. This would occasionally create some 'creasing' / ripple' effect on the face which we wanted to remove.

The solution is called Bias Grain - having the grain direction at an angle, which is a bit more expensive for us as there are fewer SLINGs to be made per sheet of wax cotton at the factory, but the result is absolutely worth the added expense. 

The photo below shows the approved 'Bias Grain' next to (a particularly bad example) of what can happen with the 'Straight Grain' variation. 

The final version [left] next to a worst-case example of the original grain pattern [right]

And with that, production will be underway this week and we are still on track to begin shipping in August.

Next update will be when shipping is about to start and addresses will be locked. 

Take care! 

/Wentworth Team